The Three Principles is the name given to an understanding developed by Sydney Banks (1931-2009) who had a profound, spontaneous realization about the foundation of all human experience. Having undergone a radical personal transformation, he dedicated the rest of his life to sharing his insights with people around the world.
The spiritual Truth at the heart of this understanding has been shared for millennia by sages and teachers in many traditions yet there is a unique simplicity in this teaching which makes it highly accessible for the modern world.
There are two key strands to the teaching: how our experience is created and uncovering our true nature.
The Three Principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness provide a powerful metaphor which help us understand how all human beings experience life. When we realise that our experience is always being created from within us, it brings a transformation in our understanding of life at every level. Our experience of the inevitable challenges in life can be radically altered when we understand how that experience is being created.
The other key part of the teaching is realising that the happiness we seek is in fact our true nature. Peace, clarity, wisdom, resilience, compassion and wholeness are not found in the external world but within.