Meeting Mind on Monday Mornings

A new mentoring programme for facilitators, coaches and practitioners of the Three Principles

How would you like to start the week with a small group of like-minded people for a mentoring session?

On 30th  October I am starting a series of 6 weekly online group mentoring sessions for a maximum of 8 people. We will meet at 9.30 am via Zoom for 90 minutes to talk about anything to do with sharing the Three Principles. It will be a space for you to share what you are learning from your work, to explore where you are stuck or experiencing difficulties and get help with anything that crops up. One of the benefits of small group work is that all members can learn from one another as well as being mentored by me.  It does not matter if you have a thriving practice or are just starting out, there is always more for us all to see about this profound understanding we share and reflecting on our work is a great way to do that.

I have been training, supervising, coaching, mentoring and facilitating groups for 30 years. As a co-facilitator on the Insight Space Facilitator Training since its inception in 2012 I have helped scores of people get sufficiently grounded in the principles to share effectively in a very wide range of settings. I work with a very broad range of clients in groups and one-to-one. No client is “too difficult’ and what I share is deeply rooted in the spiritual nature of the principles.

I now feel inspired to find ways to continue to serve the growing number of three principles facilitators and coaches in this fledgling field as many don’t have mentors to easily turn to for support. Individual mentoring can be expensive particularly when you are just starting out, working on a voluntary basis or working part-time. Many are working largely on their own and may feel bit isolated.

I am a perpetual student of the Principles and find reflecting on my work with colleagues a wonderful way to deepen my own grounding which then creates greater impact for my clients. Above all I think it will be a lovely way to start the week – looking in the direction of Mind together.

The dates for the six sessions are:

30th  October

6th    November

13th  November

20th November

27th November

4th    December

The cost of the programme is £180 payable in advance.

Places will be filled on a first come first served basis.


If you would like to join, please email me at


I am really looking forward to this new programme and hope you it will find it a simple and effective way to connect with others on a similar journey and deepen the work you are doing with your clients.